Choosing To Stay Healthy With Proper Health Care

Artery Disease And Your Kidneys: 3 Complications Of Renal Artery Blockages

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If you have high cholesterol, you’re at risk for plaque buildup in arteries located all over your body. Plaque deposits can affect any of your major organs, including your kidneys. When plaque builds up in the arteries responsible for supplying your kidneys with blood, you may experience narrowing of the arteries or, in severe cases, complete blockage. In addition to plaque, blockages can be caused by blood clots and thickening of the artery walls. Read More»

3 Reasons To Go In For Pregnancy Counseling

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Being pregnant is something that is wonderful and amazing, but it is also something that is completely new and life changing. There are also some circumstances where a woman may become pregnant when she wasn’t ready and she isn’t sure what she should do. No matter what your feelings are surrounding your pregnancy, many women can benefit from going in for pregnancy counseling. This type of counseling is geared specifically towards the needs of pregnant women and can help them with a variety of things. Read More»

How To Survive A Heart Attack

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If you think that a heart attack only happens to “other people”, it’s time to re-evaluate that thought. Each year, nearly 720,000 people in the U.S. experience a heart attack, with 515,000 of them having their first episode. Heart attacks happen in all age groups and to people with no previously-diagnosed heart disease. Knowing what to do when you feel a heart attack start will increase your chances of surviving one. Read More»

Vaginal Rejuvenation: Reclaim Your Feminine Youth With Thermiva

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There are many things that can cause poor vaginal health. If you have managed a number of vaginal births, or you are no longer pleased with how your vagina is aging, there are solutions. You can rejuvenate your vagina, making it stronger, tighter and making contact with your partner more pleasurable. You don’t have to live with a tired, weak vaginal wall anymore. While some women turn to surgical techniques to rejuvenate their femininity, this can now be done with the non-surgical procedure Thermiva, which uses the energy from radiofrequency to heat vaginal tissue and restore its vitality. Read More»

Your Guide To Knee Replacements

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As you get older, you may start to wonder about knee replacements. How do you know you need a knee replacement? What are medical conditions that could lead to a knee replacement? If you do need one, what are your options?  Knee Replacements A knee replacement is a surgery in which damaged and worn bone and cartilage is removed from your knee by a surgeon. Your surgeon replaces the damaged tissue with metal, plastic, or polymer so your knee can function like it used to. Read More»