Choosing To Stay Healthy With Proper Health Care

3 Non-Surgical Treatments For Plantar Hyperhidrosis

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Plantar hyperhidrosis is a skin condition characterized by excessively sweaty feet. If you have plantar hyperhidrosis, your socks and shoes will be frequentlysoaked due to sweat, and worse, your feet will smell bad. Fortunately, you don’t need to resign yourself to a lifetime of frequently changing your socks and shoes. Here are three non-surgical treatments that can be used to treat plantar hyperhidrosis. Botox Injections You may think of Botox injections as just a treatment for wrinkles, but this treatment can be used for many other purposes, including blocking the nerves that supply your sweat glands. Read More»

Has Your Teen Been Diagnosed With ADHD? 4 Tips To Help Them Adjust

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Being a teenager is hard enough without having the added difficulty of ADHD. If your teenager has been diagnosed with ADHD, they may find it difficult to concentrate on their work. They may also become easily distracted. Your physician may recommend medication and behavioral therapy to help treat the condition. However, it’s important to note that there are steps that you can take at home that will make life easier for your teenager—and for you. Read More»

Does Cancer Treatment Impact Oral Health?

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Cancer treatment can have an affect on every aspect of your overall health, including your teeth. Some problems are more serious than others and all complications should be evaluated by your oncologist and dentist. If you are starting treatment, here are some things to remember about your oral health.  What Complications Can Occur? Oral health complications related to your cancer treatment can be insignificant to severe. There is a possibility that you might not experience any problems, but if you do, your oncologist needs to be aware of those issues immediately. Read More»

Three Things You Need To Know About Gustatory Rhinitis

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If your nose starts to run shortly after eating or drinking something, you may assume that you are having an allergic reaction. This isn’t always the case, and you may be suffering from gustatory rhinitis. Here are three things you need to know about gustatory rhinitis.  What are the signs of gustatory rhinitis? If you have gustatory rhinitis, your nose will start to run within a few minutes of consuming certain foods or drinks. Read More»

Why Your Active Child Should Take A Sports Physical Every Year

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Most states now require that students take a sports physical before they are allowed to join any athletic teams, but you may be wondering why one is necessary every year. These repeated physicals may seem redundant, but they are actually an important safety net to ensure that your child has not suffered any injuries or new conditions that could prove dangerous on the field. These are four serious developments that repeat sport physicals are designed to catch and prevent before they become an emergency. Read More»